Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I decided we have too many depressing posts! So, here's a Happy Easter post to everyone!!

We ran short on time and Kason didn't want to take pictures so, these are the best we got.

Kason in his Easter outfit and his Easter bucket:


Mom & Kason:


Kason playing with his Easter bucket:


We had a good Easter. My mom was here for a couple days which was SO nice. I feel like I can start the week on top of things (my laundry's done, the house is clean, the cupboards are stocked - thanks mom!) And Kameron's parents were here today. It was such a beautiful day today - I'm lovin' the weather!!

AND ... Kason learned to WALK!!! That's right! He had been taking a few steps here and there but now he's close to pro. Here's a picture. I have got to figure out how to post a video.

(not quite sure what's up with his goofy face!!)

But, it was a great weekend. I always love going to church on Easter Sunday. ESPECIALLY this year. It always strengthens my testimony as we're reminded of the sacrifices that our Heavenly Father and Savior made for us. It really hit home this year because of everything that we have been going through. It is such a strength to know that our Savior loves us so much that He was willing to suffer for everything we are going through. All our grief & emotions, Kameron's pain, everything ... He has been there and He knows how we feel now. There has never been a doubt in my mind that at times like these we always have love and support from our Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. And I will always be grateful for that.

A couple things that really touched me today as I listened to the Sacrament talks are:

~ Someone ALWAYS has it worse off than you. No matter how bad your situation is, there is always someone out there who is going through a harder time than you. So, count your blessings.

~ If it weren't for Easter - we would have no Christmas to celebrate. I'm not sure if I got that word for word but Brother Palmer said that in his talk today and it really made me realize the blessing that the Savior is in our lives. It makes me sad to think that so many people in the world only celebrate his life for 2 days a year. And even then it's so commercialized that it's hard to believe they're really celebrating Christ.

I love our Savior more than anything and I am so grateful for the wonderful example He is to each one of us.

Jesus Christ

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!


Heather said...

I don't want this to sound trite, because it is completely sincere--Jami, you are an inspiration. I know that the Lord is so proud of the way you are handling this, and only allowed such a difficult thing to happen because He knew you could handle it. Keep it up!

Candace said...

Such a beautiful post and sweet testimony of the love of our Savior. Thanks. :)

Crazy Zumba Lady said...

you are an amazing family!!! thank you for your wonderful example

Callie said...

Jami I'm with Heather, you truly are an inspiration! I hope you know how much we all love and support you. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. You are amazing.

Kelly said...

I love the thought - if there were no Easter, there's be no Christmas. The Savior's resurrection is one of the capstones of the Atonement. I love it. Thanks for your thoughts, Jami.

Maranda Whittle said...

Yeah!! Kason can walk now! I was watching him yesterday in church and couldn't tell if he was walking yet, but I guess he is! I agree, I thought the Palmer's talks were both so good! Sister Palmer is one of my Visiting Teachers and her lessons are always amazing.

Alicia said...

I miss you.

Heidi Joncas said...

Yea he can walk! The bad thing now is that he can walk. They get into everything!

Becky said...

Hi Jami. I just want you to know that I think you amazing and strong. We've been thinking about you guys alot. You're in our prayers. Kason is a doll. I love watching him in church. He just makes me smile.

I changed my address for security purposes. Some weirdo has my address so I'm hoping he won't be able to find me. I changed some setting so search engines can't find me. If he does, I'll go private.

Sarah Pace said...

isn't it fun when they start walking! but a little harder to chase =) glad you had a good easter!

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