Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our day of LOVE ...

Okay, honestly ... I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day.
Never have been. But, we still celebrated ... as best we could with a sick little boy.

Friday night we went out together to Safeway (romantic huh?) and then we went to Little Ceasers and got their $5 large pizza and some crazy bread, came home, watched tv, ate and took care of our sicky.

Saturday, Kameron worked in the morning and then during the afternoon I was getting stuff ready for Kason's party.

I did take time to make Kam a little gift ...

Kam's LOVE coupons!


And he bought me a necklace.
But, that's it. That's us - nothing over-the-top romantic.
We're like that, ya know?


Erin @ Strawberry Mommycakes said...

You did more than we did! Sean had to work and when he got back I was in a bad mood (dang hormones) and I got mad at him for some stupid reason and we didn't talk for a couple hours...and then we got candy at the gas station and fell asleep during a movie :) Your coupons are way cute!

Crafty Cowgirl said...

Thx for filling me in! I like to here how a couple or a person is doing and not hear about their kids all the time...It's refreshing....That's a cute thing he did! I like it! U guys are a cute couple

The McLaws Family said...

I love your coupons!! I wish I was that creative! I need to get some tips from you!

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