Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well, things at the hospital are slowly moving along. The doctors all say that Kameron improves a little bit each day, which is good news. His pancreas is still inflamed but the enzymes are going down. This morning his doctors said his chest x-ray looks good and his kidney function is starting to stabalize. Tomorrow will be the last day of his plasma treatment and they will look at how Kameron is doing and see if he needs anymore treatments, from my point of view those treatments REALLY seem to be helping! So, we are doing good. I think we are both getting anxious to get out of the hospital. Poor Kameron has been in the same bed for a week.

My mom took Kason to her house this week, which has been nice not to worry about keeping him happy and entertained but, I miss that little guy!!

We are slowly moving down the road to recovery and first, getting out of ICU and then getting discharged .... We're gettin' there!!!

I will continue to thank you all for your prayers!! We feel them for sure!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel


Kara said...

Thanks for the update, I was just thinking about you guys and wanting to know how you are doing. I'm so glad that his recovery is progressing! Hopefully he'll be home soon!

Ashley said...

still in our prayers. hang in there!!!!

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