Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Jammin' Out
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
9:03 PM
people showing their love
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It's Showtime!

In July, I also got to go see 'WICKED' ... which I absolutely LOVED!! I couldn't help but miss Kam, who's ticket I had to sell, but I still loved the show. I would love to see it on Broadway! The music was amazing and the story was great!! I recommend this musical to EVERYONE!
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
11:00 PM
people showing their love
Sunday, October 25, 2009
He is always near...
Today in Relief Society (our Sunday meetings for the women in the ward) we sang "Be Still, My Soul" ...
1. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In ev’ry change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav’nly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
2. Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.
3. Be still, my soul: The hour is hast’ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
I wasn't sure if I would be able to get through singing the song because we sang it at Kameron's funeral as our opening humn. But, I sang and I really LISTENED to the words. What amazing promises in that hymn and what wonderful words. This has become one of my most favorite hymns.
After church, I was thinking about this hymn and I was thinking about how I chose it for Kameron's funeral. After reading a widowers blog and how he shared his experiences he had surrounding his wife's funeral. It got me thinking about the times and experiences around Kam's funeral. I got thinking, 'how did I know what to choose and how did I know what Kameron wanted for his funeral?'
I just knew.
It was like Kameron and I were sitting next to each other discussing everything. It was like he was whispering in my ear what he wanted and how the outline should be. And now that I am 2 months into this "widow thing" I am learning that Kameron WAS standing beside me telling me what he wanted. I woke up one morning and decided on 'Be Still, My Soul' for the opening hymn and why? Because Kameron wanted it and Kameron helped me to know that.
Likewise, I just knew that Kameron wanted 'Families are Forever' as the closing song. I felt so good about that choice and I knew that it's what Kameron wanted. I don't know how to explain the feeling, it's different than having guidance from the Holy Ghost, you know - the "feel-good" feeling you get when you make the right choice. Instead, it's a feeling like ... like, someone up there approves of your choices, that they are satisfied with what you've chosen and that you've listened to their desires.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the Lord's tender mercies in this whole experience I have had (and am having) and today, as I thought about 'Familes are Forever', the experience I had in choosing it and the message it gives, I started crying as I realized that Kameron choosing this song as the closing hymn at his funeral was his way of telling me to remember this is not the end. He was reminding me that Familes CAN be Forever. He was reminding me that I am his forever & ever - as long as I stay faithful. What an amazing promise and reminder to be sent to me from Kameron. I will never forget this promise he has sent to me, as this song means more to me now than it ever has before.
I love my sweet husband. He was always thinking of me first and being there to comfort me and even when he is passed on to the other side of the veil ... he is still there to bring me peace and comfort.
*loving & missing you always, kam*
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
8:01 PM
people showing their love
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
4th of July & Utah
WOW ... I have been putting this blogging thing off bigtime!! Way back in July ... almost 4 months ago (!), our life was normal (crazy thing huh?) ... well sort of. Kameron was in the ER in Sierra Vista for most of the night on July 3rd. We didn't get back to see a doctor until like 1, I think? I can't remember really but, as soon as the doctor saw Kam he knew that he needed some serious medical attention. So, he did some tests and got a transfer set up. Kameron was transferred to Tucson Medical Center and got there around 5am on July 4th. I went home and got a few hours of sleep and then packed up and headed to Tucson with K.
These are some of my favorite pictures of all time. They were taken in Kameron's first hospital room, before any of the tubes or machines. He was up and walking around. These pictures are the last ones taken of him before he was confined to a bed for 6 weeks and before any awful machines were hooked up to him. I wouldn't normally take pictures of him in the hospital but, it was a holiday and this is how we spent it together.
That night K and I went to find fireworks. I remember talking to Kam on the phone and telling him how much we missed having him with us. I remember thinking holidays shouldn't be this way - we shouldn't be seperated on a holiday. But, K and I went and watched the fireworks at the base of 'A' mountain. He loved them but, they started late and we had to get to the hotel so, we left a few minutes into them.
trying to keep him entertained before the fireworks started:
watching the fireworks
The next morning we got up bright and early and headed to the airport. K and I were flying out to Utah for a little family get-together. I had been assured by Kam that I should still go, even though he was in the hospital. So, we headed out (and this is where the post gets really really long and has a ton of pictures! be prepared!) ...
K did fairly good - our flights were long because of layovers and stops but, he did pretty good. On the way from Denver (our layover) to Utah, he fell asleep! I have never been so happy to see him sleeping!
As soon as we got there on Sunday we went to Temple Square in Salt Lake for K to see everything there. I LOVE that Temple Square, SO beautiful! (And ... funny (and embarassing!) story about this temple, this last time I was in Utah I went to the Salt Lake Temple to do a session and I walked up to the temple and walked up those steps in the front, assuming that's where you go in well, nope, it's not. Totally embarassed, I walk down the stairs and find a couple standing outside the temple and I told them, "I'm from out of state, can you tell?!" Thankfully they were very nice and told me they liked my determination to get to the temple. They showed me where I WAS supposed to enter but, I felt so embarassed!! So, just so you know if you ever go to the Salt Lake Temple - don't try and go through those doors! Anyways .. back on track).
After Salt Lake we headed down to my grandparents house. K was such a clown there ... he had the audience and he was performing!! He's such a goof!
Then, Monday we went down to BYU Campus and walked around, did some shopping (where I bought a hat for Kam for his birthday, that he never got to wear). I THINK this is the day we went and ate at a really yummy Mexican resturant in Provo. And there was music playing out to the sidewalk and K was dancing away ...
Then, we drove up to Sundance and got out and walked around. I had never been up there before and it was GORGEOUS! I loved it.
Ok ... then Tuesday (for some reason I feel like I'm mixing up monday and tuesday but, whatever...) we did the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House. I was SO excited for K to get to go inside the temple because he loves talking about them and learning about them so, it was really neat to get to show him all of that.
And then, we headed to a park in Orem (?) for our little family get together. It was fun to spend time with family because I hadn't seem them for awhile. We played games and ate food and went swimming. K was so tired by the time we got into the pool that he fell asleep in the pool! Poor guy!
K just chillin' ...
Joined by Uncle Brad
Some tug-of-war
Playing 'Old Bloody Tom' ... it's an old family game that we've played for as long as I can remember!!
Some cousin love ... K and cousin Cameron
Then, after the park we went up to Salt Lake and went to dinner and took some family shots that Jeremy (my bro) actually took ...
The whole gang
The grandkids (well, not all of them)
Alright ... then we went to a ... space museum? Science center? (totally can't remember) ... and spent some time there before we watched a U2 laser show - very cool. K loved the show!
This cool, ball thing - kind of like the one outside of Chase Field in Phoenix except this one was 2 stories! Very fun! K loved it.
On the moon with cousin Austin
Watchin a video with Grandma
Learning about space from Jane
That night K had to say goodbye to his buddy Cameron (he is my cousin's son) ...
Then we flew home the next morning.
with our pilot! (Kam would be so proud of this picture!!)
It was a really fun trip. It was hard for me to be fully focused since Kam was in the hospital and I wasn't right there by his side but, it was still a fun little trip.
And when we got home, I got a call from Kam's nurse saying they had done some sort of procedure and had decided to put him into ICU, just as a precaution. I remember panicking that they were putting him there because I knew that only really sick people went to the ICU and when I had left, Kameron seemed to be doing okay (walking around, talking, eating, etc) ... so it came as a real shock to me that they wanted him in ICU. One thing I love about Kameron is he was always so upbeat and positive in the hospital. REGARDLESS of what was going on - he was happy. He was always like that. This day was no different. And this day happened to be his 29th birthday and it was the first time they put him on the respirator. The day we got home from our trip was the first day of many, scary and awful things.
Sorry to end on that. It seems like I can't write anything without relating it to Kam in someway. Anyways - congrats if you made it through that whole thing ... that's impressive.
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
11:53 PM
people showing their love
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Big Changes ...
So, growing up I've always visited a certain place a LOVED it. I have always wanted to live in this place and thought it would be such a great place to raise a family. Kameron and I loved visiting this place together and had often talked about moving there if the opportunity was given to us. Well, after Kameron passed away I started thinking about where I wanted Kason and I to live. I considered Thatcher but after a very specific prayer I realized Thatcher was not the place for us. Instead, I was guided towards the exact place I considered a great place to live and had always considered moving. I was a little taken back because I never thought I would actually end up there! But, at the same time I was excited about the idea of it.
The more I thought about it and the more I talked with friends about it - the more it felt right. I started looking at places online and I would get so excited about it. Then, I would get pushed into the cycle of doubt and fear and I would start to ask myself, "what are you thinking?! you can't move THERE!" But, thanks to a wonderful friend who refered me to the talk "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence" by Jeffrey R. Holland, I realized that the doubt and the fear that I was feeling was coming from Satan. He knows the potential I have and he wants to do whatever he can to keep me from succeeding! So, I pushed him in a dark closet (I WISH!) and continued on with my planning. He pops his ugly little head out once in awhile and I push him back in - reminding myself that he is there to discourage me from being happy and prosperous.
SO ... after MUCH MUCH MUCH prayer, fasting, meditating, scripture study and temple attendance I am excited to announce that Kason and I are moving to ... (okay, like 99.89% sure about the move)
I am excited to have a fresh start, to start over - just me and Kason. I am excited to go where nobody knows my story and what has happened in the past couple months. I am excited to go to the store and not get "sympathy stares" from people. I am excited for some new scenery and some seasons! I am just excited about it! I feel like there are some great opportunities up there for me and Kason. I can never know if I like it if I don't give it a shot!
So, I am going up on Tuesday to find a place for me and Kason to live and assuming I don't get an awful feeling about the move while I'm there - we'll be moving in the next few weeks. I can't wait for this new chapter and I will keep all you avid readers up to date! :) Oh ... and you all will always have a place to stay in Utah now! (just don't mind the fact that it will probably be a couch or the floor!)
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
11:00 AM
people showing their love