Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
1:46 PM
people showing their love
Monday, July 28, 2008
Our Goofy Boy ...
Yesterday in church (which by the way was his last Sunday with us - next week = NURSERY!)
Anyways in Sacrament they were announcing some new callings and one of the guys stood up and then everyone sustained him. Well, Kason saw this so he stopped looking at the book he was reading and hurried to climb off the bench. Then he stood up all tall and raised his hand and then sat back down. It was SO hilarious - Kameron and I were trying so hard not to laugh out loud at him!!!
Then, in Relief Society I was sitting by the back door and Kason was playing with a couple other kids. And right when it got silent Kason knocks on the door. It was so loud and everyone turns around and looks at the door. All us mom's in the back corner were busting up laughing.
Kids are so hilarious - he sure keeps us laughing!!!!
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
2:49 PM
people showing their love
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Now going on 5!
June 25, 2004: Mesa, AZ Temple

For our anniversary we went out to dinner - child free. That's always a treat!! Then I think we went to Walmart - exciting huh??
Well, I have LOTS more to post about so I'll get on it ASAP!
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
12:10 AM
people showing their love
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We're back online! We got a new laptop Monday so we're finally able to be online on a regular basis, which I'm very excited about!
Now I have lots of catching up to do. And, I'm totally bummed but I lost about 3 1/2 years of pictures when our computer crashed - pretty devestating. Hopefully someone will know how to get them off - any computer pros??
So, once we get back into the groove of things I'll get some posts up!
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
4:34 PM
people showing their love
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Jus' Google It!
Our computer crashed so I have no pictures of my own to post so, until we get it back up and running here are some pictures, curtosy of Google.
1. Age next birthday:
2. Place I'd like to travel:
3. Favorite Place:
4. Favorite Thing:
5. Favorite Food:
6. Favorite Animal:
7. Favorite Color:
8. Town where I was born:
9. Town where I live:
10. Name of past pet:
11. Name of past love:
12. Best friends nickname:
13. Screen name:
Nada ... don't have one. Hardly ever IM.
14. First name:
15. Middle Name:
I don't have one!!
16. Last Name:
17. Bad habit:
18. First job:
(at the pool!!)
19. Name of Grandmother(s):
20. College Degree:
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
4:22 PM
people showing their love
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Family Ties!

(this is a picture of my Grandma and Grandpa Young in La Habra CA in the 1970's)
June 14th we had a Young Family Reunion in Payson. (my mom's side of the family) So we were up there for the weekend to spend time with family. It was so good to see everyone! I really wish that I had gotten more pictures since we don't get together too often. I might have to steal some of Emily's when they get posted on her blog. Anyways - here are some pictures from the weekend ...
We took Kason to Christopher Creek and he was pretty intrigued by the rushing water!
Playing with a pinwheel during the family meeting *whoops!*
The Payson Library has an AWESOME children's room so we took Kason to see it and get out of the heat!
Swimming in the FREEZING Payson pool!
Modeling his Great-Grandpa's Cowboy hat. My grandpa was almost ALWAYS wearing a hat! That is one memory I have of him.
It was a fun weekend and I'm glad we were able to get together as a family. My mom did an AMAZING job planning it and getting everything taken care of!! It was a good relaxing weekend.
(ps: I just realized ALL my pictures are of Kason ... I think I have a few of other people, I might have to find them and post them along with the one's I snatch from Em.)
Prepared just for you by
Our Ohana
11:01 PM
people showing their love